Tuesday, August 25, 2009

culture passes!

From our local Desert Sage Library I fought my way to two of the coolest culture passes out there. We got tickets to the Arizona Science Center and the Arizona Museum for Youth. Funny thing, Ive only gone to get culture passes two times. The first time there were no Science Center passes so I grabbed a Museum for Youth pass. We went there on my birthday. The next time I went Nick was on his vacation and the next day we were to leave for Utah so we were wondering what we were going to do that day so I got up and said, "we are going to go to the Arizona Science Center and Im going to get us a culture pass at the library today" and I did! I got there bright and early and fought my way to the pass, almost being bumped over by a large woman who kept pushing her way in front of me. Good times!
Arizona Science Center, Phoenix, Arizona Carian = Carmen + Julian
Lego castle

Carmen and the lego house
Carmen on the bed of nails

Arizona Museum for Youth, Mesa, Arizona
Blacklight room
Play house

Making pipe cleaner people


Julian on tv in the TV room

Monsters exhibits

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