Thursday, December 18, 2008

"Kiddie Tag" Julian

We were tagged to say 5 nice things about Julian. Before I begin I want to go ahead and tag others because my response is quite lengthy and you may get lost looking for the list:

Max Gibson
Sydney Poulson
Savannah Olivas
Jonathan Allred
Mylee Jensen

Julian was tagged by Kandice Alt so I'm going to tell you all 5 neat things about Julian:
1. Julian is the nicest child I have ever known could exist. He gets very sad if he can't manage to help someone in need and he is very polite and says hello to everyone and is very willing to make new friends at school. He always makes sure everyone has the same snacks and opportunities, he welcomes his siblings into his room to play and even has been letting Carmen sleep on his bottom bunk bed for the last two months because she doesnt like sleeping apart from him.

2. Julian has a whole lot of faith. When he is concerned about something he prays. When someone is sick, he prays. When he loses something, he prays. Before we can eat, he makes sure we pray. He doesn't let anyone speak of Christ out of context, and he and his sister speak of Jesus Christ as a close friend they are waiting to run into one of these days.

3. Julian can read. Julian just started Kindergarten this year. He has always been a fast learner and has to date earned a Kindergarten grand total of three Book It awards. When he was a baby the only way I could get him to eat was to read him the Dr. Seuss ABC book over and over until he refused to eat anymore.

4. Julian loves legos and video games. Better yet, both. Lego video games. He can sit for hours and hours and play alone or with a sibling playing with legos and action figures and of course, he can spend hours playing video games if I let him. He is so innovative with the legos. He takes apart his patterned sets to create new inventions. He also loves super heroes.

5. "You are number 1 and you are special" Julian has a unique way of making anyone feel good about themselves. When I am sad or upset he knows what to do and say to make me feel better. When I need help he is always willing. When I ask him to do something for me, he doesnt complain. On the flip side of that, those characteristics come to him as a sensitive boy. He keeps me in line when I act up. When my temper starts to show or I get impatient he is the one to call me out and tell me how I am making him feel and asks me not to make him feel that way. I cant raise my voice at him without him getting sad, he is the child that reminds me that my emotions must be kept in check to preserve their loving innocence.


hillari said...

he really is a very sweet boy! How lucky you are to have him.

Maylene said...

Ahhh, that's sweet! I'm sorry about yesterday. Actually I forgot my camera and I couldn't even see Sydney either, because I was kind of in the back (and the Principle gave her whole speech about parents not trying to stand up or whatever to see their know how she is). I guess she was standing next to Julian though right in the front row on the corner :)