Monday, September 21, 2009

From the tabletop to the diaper bottom

Well we upgraded from our 4 seat cottage style dining set to a 6 seat cottage dining set. We sold our old one on Craigslist for $50 and bought our new one for $80 Now we all fit!

And Elias is almost crawling. Well, kinda. He can get up on all fours and he rocks.

And Elias hasnt been a frequent pooper since he was a month old so now he can go as long at a week and a half without pooping, that is... unless he eats oatmeal. He is new to the solid foods and the solid foods go right through him (caution: picture not for the faint of heart)

I was able to save the outfit! And after I cleaned him up he was very content.
I know, this should actually be 2 blog posts, but Im trying to save myself a few minutes, its almost dinner time and I need to get dinner on our new table soon before the kids need to get to bed!


Justin+Becca+Emily said...

nasty poop! I remember being there when carmen was starting to rock! thats pretty awesome

Anthony and Erin Mills said...

That's so funny! I thought Liam pooped well when he did it, but Elias totally wins that one! Phewwww!

Windsor World said...

That's a pretty sweet deal on the table..we have that same type of's just the higher one and different style chairs..! As for Elias I think that is the worst poopie job I've ever seen..poor little though guess he just needed to get it out!! haha

Michael Adams said...

Request: Give me a much BIGGER warning before posting more poo pics.

Thank you. ;S